Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days.
Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on your location and the weight of your order.
Estimated delivery times vary by location. Standard shipping usually takes minimum 5 to maximum 7 business days., while expedited shipping options are available at checkout.
We offer international shipping. Please note that additional customs fees and taxes may apply, and delivery times may vary.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number to monitor your shipment’s progress.
We partner with reputable carriers to ensure the safe and timely delivery of your orders.
Enjoy free standard shipping on orders over [ “Rs.1000 ” ] amount. (Applicable to specific regions or conditions.)
Certain items may have shipping restrictions due to legal or logistical reasons. Please check product details for any limitations.
If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at https://mjseafoods.in/ or [8903358817].
Shipping policies are subject to change, so please review this page regularly for any updates.
Thank you for choosing M J Sea Foods Private Limited!
Visit our official website https://mjseafoods.in/ of the seafood e-commerce platform. Look for sections such as “Returns,” “Refunds,” or “Policies.” Companies often have a dedicated page or section where they outline their return policy.
Check for contact information on the website, such as a customer support phone number or email. Reach out to their customer service and inquire about their return policy. Customer service representatives can provide specific and up-to-date information.
Review the terms and conditions or terms of service on the website. Important details about returns and refunds are often outlined in these legal documents.
Check any order confirmation emails or receipts you receive when making a purchase. Return instructions and policies may be included in these communications.